Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Located in the Springdale Town Center
11578 Springfield Pike
Cincinnati, Ohio 45246

Store Hours:
Sundays:E-mail/call for availability.

My good friend who I went to high school with is good friends with the owner of the shop. He always takes care of me when I come through. He always has the latest Nike's (Dunk's, Air Max, etc.) Most of his stuff are exclusive joints you wont find in the stores and he always sells at the boxed price. Besides shoes they got a selection of fitted's, and clothes from Clipse's Playcloths line to Crooks and Castle. He only carries one or two of each size for all his clothes, to keep ya ish exclusive. If you happen to be in Cincinnati you gotta come through. He also takes phone orders, most of the time he will post major releases on his blog of stuff in his shop. So if you see something you like, he will ship.

Corporate Blog

Foamposites in at Corporate from M.T on Vimeo.

Monday, January 26, 2009


I was on the internet when I first heard this song Electric Feel by MGMT, immediately after hearing the beat I was like...yooo a rapper has to get on this shit. Apparently this song has been out for awhile, but they are just now creating a buzz so thats probably why i haven't heard it. Come to find out Jim Jones is on the remix, hopefully in the near future some heavyweights like Jay or Kanye or even Lupe get on this.

MGMT-Electric Feel Remix Feat Jim Jones

Nike Boots

Every since it started getting colder outside, my dude CP has not stopped talking about his Nike Boots and it's association with NY (being that were he's from). He goes on and on about how thats what they rock up there and how no one else know about them anywhere else. Recently he had a connecting flight through Cincinnati, he just so happened got some appreciation from one of the dudes who works at the airport. Come to find out he was from NY and made a claim that they don't know about them out here lol. Being that Wale who made the song Nike Boots is from D.C. there is a underlying controversy that D.C. may have been rockin them first but NY made them hot. Regardless of the matter I remain neutral being from the midwest, and not owning a pair, but it's not like I haven't seen them in stores in my area.

Wale-Nike Boots

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Throwback Thursdays-BIG

In honor of the recent NOTORIOUS debut heres one of my favorite songs ever.


Monday, January 19, 2009

MLK Day/ 24 Hours Until History

Happy MLK Day Everyone!

Rosa sat, so Martin could walk..then...well let's have Jay-Z finish the rest..
Jay-Z My President is black Remix LIVE 1-18-09 from pleasedontstare on Vimeo.

Monday, January 12, 2009

My First Two Loves

Something that I've always reflected upon and thought of was the collaboration of my first two loves Soccer and Music (Hip-Hop/Rap nonetheless). Yes I know the two are very uncommon and have yet to be showcased together on a major scale. But there have been instances where the two have been highlighted. To me I think they can go hand and hand. The rhythm-like move movements of the game easily can go with a beat. It's been about 4 years and I still listen to Cam'ron and Kanye West's-Down and Out before every game I play. I've found an appreciation for Spike Lee because of his interest in the sport being that he is a big influence to the urban community. 

Spike on Soccer:

I’m a fan, but I’m not like a… I don’t know it like football, baseball, and basketball, but I can see the beauty of the game. Soccer is a great game, man. Hopefully it will grow here in the States. I follow it as much as I think I can. I got the satellite. It’s hard. You watch ESPN, and you don’t even get the scores. So what, it’s going to be every four years? But I look forward to going to Europe or South America. Just going to games is exciting. I went when Baggio missed that penalty kick. I’m hoping to go to Germany, but when I go, I roll Brazil. I mean, look. I know I’m African American, but I got a little Brazil. I’m not with the winners, I just love the way they play. You look at Italy, and I hate the way they play. I hate anything or athlete where you don’t play to win, but you play not to lose. I don’t like that. But I love soccer. My kid plays. Jackson. He’s eight. He plays at Chelsea Piers. I’m the assistant coach. We’re undefeated so far. Our team is Arsenal.

Soccer might not be thought of as a sport played in the urban community, when in fact the sport does have ties to the same struggles that hip-hop artists praise in the rhymes now that they are famous. Here's a selection from a article I ran across one day on Hip-Hop and Soccer.

As soccer and hip-hop are romanticized, they become a means by which the disenfranchised can rise against op-
pressive power structures and find lasting success, a trope that is reinforced by the traditional “rags-to-riches” stories
that they spawn. In hip-hop, this notion is unavoidable to the point that it has become cliché—every rapper has his re- spective story to tell about how he “came up” amidst the suf- focating environs of his background, which is almost exclu- sively depicted as the poverty-stricken, black and Latino populated, “ghettos” of America’s inner cities.i Although
soccer’s manifestation of this concept is less overt, it existsboth an individual and national level. Shoeless children
in the slums of Rio de Janeiro kick a dusty ball around with hopes of becoming the next Péle or Ronaldinho, and tiny nations like Togo shed their collective inferiority complex as their native sons compete in the international spotlight
of the World Cup. This is the established, idealized image of soccer and hip-hop, a globalized version of the
“American Dream,” and is thereby the standard by which self-proclaimed purists within these communities measure the “authenticity” of participators.

You can read the rest of the article here: Midfielders, MC's and Mediascapes

One high school I read about on a blog (This Is American Soccer) featured on my page, was Martin Luther King High School in New York City.(MLK Soccer Story Here) Its a very inspiring piece that made me realize what the sport has and can do for the urban community. One of my favorite African-American soccer players from the US is Eddie Johnson also reflects the story of those from MLK high school.

Eddie on his hometown:
"I come from a small city called Bunnell, FL, which isn't even known for soccer. Soccer turned out to be just one of those hidden, god-given talents that I happened to find within myself. I grew up in the inner-city, and know a lot of inner-city guys who can kick a soccer ball around for an hour and start juggling it and pick the game up really quick. Growing up in the inner-city, you're always active. You're either playing basketball or racing in the street to see who's fastest, or you're playing tackle football in the back of the projects. You're always getting into something, trying to stay out of trouble. I think I made it out simply because I had an opportunity.

Eddie Johnson - The top video clips of the week are here

His fellow teammate Clint Dempsey on the US National Team recorded a rap song with Texas artist Big Hawk, it wasn't like this song was a big hit or anything but anyone who appreacaites soccer and rap in the US has heard this song.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Throwback Thursdays

Back in my younger days I would watch Rap City on BET religiously, when it was actually good, during the Big Tigger Era. One of my favorite parts of the show besides the freestyles in "da booth" was Throwback Thursdays. I loved watching when they showed videos from the late 80's, early 90's. Rappers like Puff, Big Pun, LL Cool J, 112, Mase, Nas, etc. Stuff I heard when I was little but never really payed attention to because of my disinterest in music. So from now on every Thursday I will have a throwback song posted.

This week the song is: Da Rockwilder-Method Man & Redman.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Oscar Grant Shooting

Wow this is sad...

By now everyone has seen the horrific video or videos of a Oakland BART Police Officer shooting an unarmed, Black man (Osacr Grant) while he lay facedown on the ground and was fully co-operating. The man who was killed execution style was the father of a 4 year old girl and was considered a peacemaker. In fact moments before he was shot he was pleading with his friends who were all cuffed up to calm down and be cooperative with police. Grant was seen begging the police officers who had pulled tasers out and pointed them at the heads of his friends, not to shoot.

For reasons unknown to us, the police officer pushed Grant to the ground. One officer kneeled on his neck while the other officer pulled out a gun and shot him point blank in the back. The bullet went through his back, hit the ground and bounced back up and pierced his lung, killing him. The police then ran around and terrified witnesses by taking away their cell phones and video cameras for 'evidence'. The video which was shot by a witness named Ms Vargus and has been seen by everyone on news stations like KTVU was also going to be confiscated except her train started moving as police attempted to snatch away her camera. The cops obviously did not see the other video cameras buzzing away.

^Courtesy of http://gatheringforjustice.ning.com/

The part that really kills me is how the police tried to take away the evidence...I hope the legal system does not let get away with this.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009


If you have listened to the radio or BET lately you probably heard Soulja Boy's new song Birdwalk, or maybe you haven't because the song along with him are both terrible lol. Anyways well my friend Queen Leo (shout out to her for showing me this video, and also check out her blog at http://bipolarqueenalicia.blogspot.com/) posted a video on Facebook about how the dance for the song is very similar to a dance we do in the Nati called "Down Tha Way". The dance and the song have even been televised on BET's Comicview on the Gary Owen episode. Yes Soulja Boy is a fraud and will put anything together to make some money off of it. No wonder his sophomore album iSouljaBoyTellEm is flopping already after week 1 sales.

Monday, January 5, 2009

WGRE 91.5

For the whole month of Jan I will be hosting a show on my campus radio station. I'll post on here the dates and times of my show. You can listen to them online here: WGRE

Check out my first show at 12:00 PM Wed!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Swizz Beats-Up In The Club Feat Lil Wayne

New joint from Swizzy feat Wayne, the beat is nice.

Swizz Beats-Up In The Club Feat Lil Wayne

Mike 23

Nearly 3 years ago MIKE, formally known as Mike 23 Inc., was born with one goal in mind - to provide the market with what was missing. When Scott Nelson, founder of MIKE, was asked what was a driving force of inspiration, he replied “the greatest man to ever lace up a pair of sneakers and play the game of basketball, Michael Jeffrey Jordan” as he said in an interview with FreshnessMag in 2005.

Famed for “bringing crack back”, MIKE has gained major attention over the past several years with appearances in culture and art magazines such as Mass Appeal and Juxtopoz, but also in mainstream magazines including SLAM, XXL, and Complex. His brand’s use of elephant print caught major attention from sneakerheads, Jordan enthusiasts, and celebrities too.

^ Courtesy of NiceKicks.com


Saturday, January 3, 2009

Thursday, January 1, 2009


I want to wish everyone a happy new year in 2009. I hope everyone does great things with their lives, and lives life to the fullest.
